Royal Canadian Navy Sword Knot (RCN)

Royal Canadian Navy Sword Knot (RCN)

Gold Infantry and Army Universal Corded Sword Knot (RCIC, RCAC, RCA, General Service)

Gold Infantry and Army Universal Corded Sword Knot (RCIC, RCAC, RCA, General Service)

Brown Leather Field Sword Knot (RCIC, RCMP)

Brown leather strap and slide with brown woven leather acorn.

CAF Army Universal / RCMP field service sword knot, Brown Leather Strap and leather plaited acorn

This pattern of sword knot is carried with the CAF Army Sam Browne and Leather Field Scabbard and the RCMP Cavalry Officer Sam Browne with leather field scabbard. This sword knot was used extensively in WWI. It accompanies the sword when worn in the field as does the brown leather field scabbard.

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